(electronic scientific journal)

ISSN(online): 2522-1752



Povna Svitlana, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: ukrainian


The article examines the indicators with the help of which the European Union and international organizations determine the level of cluster forms development of enterprises organization. Programs have been identified that provide financial assistance for the development of clusters in the European Union. When studying regulatory documents on the development of clusters in Ukraine, it was determined that among the motivational mechanisms financial measures are not provided. The attention of legislation to the development of clusters can only contribute to the provision of administrative support at the initiative of local authorities. Analyzed the dynamics of the number of associations of enterprises in Ukraine and determined that during 2012-2018 the share of associations in the number of legal entities is reduced, which indicates a lack of development of the cluster direction. Analyzed the necessary composition of clusters, among the elements of which should be firms, universities or research organizations, government agencies and catalytic organizations. A comparison was made of the corresponding composition of some clusters on the example of Romania and Ukraine, and it was determined that Ukraine lacks participants in composition, especially public institutions, which indicates their indifference to the development of cluster-innovative forms of enterprise organization. Thus, it is necessary to pay more attention to promoting the development of clusters in Ukraine, using such areas of assistance as financial and administrative mechanisms, with monitoring reporting on the availability and development of clusters in the region.

Key words:

cluster, cluster development indicators, cluster participants, state assistance to cluster development, cluster financing programs.


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