(electronic scientific journal)

ISSN(online): 2522-1752



Ivanyshyn Volodymyr, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Kryvoberets Vitalii, Private enterprise "Axioma", Chernihiv, Ukraine

Lashuk Oksana, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: ukrainian


After the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, changes (reforms) began in most spheres of state and public life. Among them, special, perhaps the most complicated, was the land reform. Implementation of it in life requires a long time, as evidenced by the history of land issues in different continents. Therefore, the theme of the reformation of land relations, land management, cadastre is very relevant for Ukraine and will be so many years old. In order to accelerate the changes in these issues, it is necessary to study the experience of the advanced countries of the world. Land reform for any state is an extremely difficult political and economic problem, because it contains a number of issues that concern the whole of society and require a responsible, well-founded solution. Ukraine does not have sufficient experience in solving this problem, so it should use someone else's experience but not forget about national peculiarities. The authors of the article set themselves the task of informing the reader about the achievements of the Scandinavian countries in carrying out the land reform and self-government in order to translate their results into the Ukrainian economy. The reformation in Latin translates as transformation, correction - church-religious, spiritual, social and political renewal in the countries of Western and Central Europe in the XVI century, aimed at returning to the biblical primary sources of Christianity, which has become a form of religious struggle against the Catholic Church. Ideologists of the Reformation, the only source of religious truth proclaimed the Holy Scripture, denied the right of the church to earthly riches, in particular, to the earth. The ideas of the Reformation were formed in Germany, and spread to Sweden, and then to other Scandinavian countries. At the same time, in each country they had their own peculiarities, which were reflected in land issues and forms of self-government. The study and analysis of the material presented indicates that in the transformations, changes in any state, society, the central place belongs to land issues, which are solved and perfected for centuries. They have a beginning, but have no end. When resolving them, it is necessary to take into account the national characteristics of each state.

Key words:

reformation; Catholic Church; Germany; Sweden; land issues; municipality; Scandinavian countries.


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