(electronic scientific journal)

ISSN(online): 2522-1752



Samiilenko Galyna , Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: ukrainian


The article deals with theoretical questions concerning motivation, in particular, the sphere of scientific use of this term, its classification, the stage of realization of motivation as a process. Separately, the concept of "motivation" in the system of public administration and local self-government was studied. As a result, the lack of a unified understanding of the category of motivation, the existence of different approaches to its understanding, proved the complexity and multi-dimensionality of the concept. The specifics of the activity of employees of state and local government bodies and the peculiarities of motivation of civil servants and officials of local self-government bodies were determined, their main motives were determined. The practical realization of motivational aspects of labor in the system of state and local government bodies in the context of material and non-material stimulation is studied. The motivation from the point of view of the system approach is considered.

Key words:

motivation; needs; motives; motivation of employees of state and local government bodies; material incentives; nonmaterial incentives; system motivation


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