(electronic scientific journal)

ISSN(online): 2522-1752



Ivanyshyn Volodymyr, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Balytska Anna, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: ukrainian


Relevance of the research topic. Land reform is currently underway in Ukraine. Therefore, it is important to address and analyze the solution of land issues in countries of different continents. Formulation of the problem. After the Mongol invasion, Ukraine was partly occupied by Lithuania, Poland, Austria-Hungary, and Russia at different times. Each occupier solved the land problem in his own way. After gaining independence, Ukraine was confronted with the problem of solving this problem, taking into account world experience, practice and Ukrainian national peculiarities. Analysis of recent research and publications. There are a lot of publications which touches of solving on land issues. Their study and analysis show that these issues are complicated. Almost every independent state approaches to solving them in its own way. Highlighting unexplored parts of a general problem. The most acute, not fully explored part of the land problem is the permission to sell agricultural land for free. This issue is of great importance for Ukraine. Setting objectives. The main task was to study and analyze the history of the development of land relations, land management, cadastre in our neighbor Romania and make the right conclusions, so as not to repeat the Romanian mistakes in carrying out agrarian reform. Presenting main material. The establishment of Romania as a state had an extremely complicated history, which affected the resolution of land issues. In 1859 the actual unification of Wallachia and Moldova occurred. In January 1862, the National Assembly of both principalities proclaimed the creation of a single state - the Romanian Principality. After that, in 1864, a law was passed on agrarian reform, which abolished serfdom and gave the peasants land. One of the features of Romania in terms of solving the peasant question and agrarian reform was and is the regional differences, in particular, land ownership, natural conditions and legal regulation. The most radical in Romania were the land reforms of 1918 - 1921. The lands of the large landowners were expropriated (and offset). As in other central and eastern European countries, communist rule in Romania has led to a new restructuring of agriculture. Unlike the previous land reform, the reform law of March 23, 1945 involved not only estates in Moldova and Wallachia but also medium-sized farms in Transylvania. However, the effectiveness of this reform was similar to the previous one. In March 1949, the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party began collectivization of agriculture. The 1974 Act became the legal basis for the systematization of agriculture in the late 1980s. In practice, the Second Agrarian Revolution proclaimed by the party congress in 1979 ended in economic and social disaster. Subsequent attempts by N. Ceausescu to remove agriculture from the crisis were also unsuccessful. Conclusion according to article. The history of the Romanian state is similar to the history of the Ukrainian state. Romania has been trying to reform the agricultural complex for centuries, but they have been unsuccessful. Therefore, it is advisable to study in detail: to analyze these agrarian reformation processes and not repeat them in the course of land reform in Ukraine, that is, it is necessary to dwell on others' mistakes.

Key words:

Romania; Moldova; Wallachia; Transylvania; land relations; land management; cadaster; agrarian reform


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