(electronic scientific journal)

ISSN(online): 2522-1752



Oliychenko Igor, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: english


The article analyzes the functioning and development of the state regulation system of nature conservation activity in Ukraine. The regulatory-legal framework regulating relations in the field of protection and use of territories, objects of the nature reserve fund, reproduction of natural complexes is researched. The main reasons for the greatest environmental impact in Ukraine are: the pollutants emitted into the atmosphere; pollution of surface and groundwater and their sources; problems of land relations and forestry; challenges for man-made emergencies at different levels. Among the environmental problems, the problem of using domestic waste is of considerable importance. The analysis of the status of state management of the nature reserve fund of Ukraine and the possibilities of using the program-target method in territorial planning for solving specific regional problems of the environmental protection sector of the economy have been carried out. The ecological and natural problems of the Chernihiv oblast on the basis of the environmental monitoring system data have been investigated, which allowed accumulating certain experience and a considerable amount of information both on the state of the environment and on the sources of pollution. The main directions of improvement of ecological-economic relations in Ukraine are offered, as well as suggestions on scientific-methodical, analytical, informational and consultative support. It is proposed: to increase the responsibility of local self-government bodies in solving environmental problems; improve management of innovation processes, disseminate environmental management standards; to ensure distribution of responsibility of local authorities. Among the priority tasks are also proposed to include: optimizati on of the system of accumulation, transportation, storage, utilization of waste; reduction of atmospheric air pollution; improvement of the technogenic and ecological condition of the territory; increasing the number of green plantations; raising the level of environmental education and upbringing.

Key words:

management in the field of environmental protection, ecological state; ecological safety, ecological development, ecological education, natural reserve fund; pollutants; program-target method; monitoring system for the environment.


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