(electronic scientific journal)

ISSN(online): 2522-1752



Olifirenko Liliya, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Loseva Olga, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: english


In the article the main tendencies of the market of beauty industry services in the world and in Ukraine were analyzed, which allowed to assess the general factors o marketing, supply and demand of services, as well as determine positive and negative factors, influence the work of beauty industry enterprises. Quality – a set of properties and characteristics of products or services that give them the ability to satisfy conditional or perceived needs. Services are a promising and dynamically developing sector of the economy. At a certain stage of the economic development of the beauty industry market, certain services intensively spread and become traditional, others just appear or disappear. The main motivation for buying a service is to obtain a positive effect or pleasure (positive emotions) from consumption. Hence the need to understand the concept of “quality of services” in the field of the beauty industry. The quality of services can determine the degree of compliance with the stipulated requirements and standards, the position of conformity of services provided by their cost or a set of pleasures and expectations of the consumer. The beauty market is entering a dynamic period of prosperity, market competition is fiercest, and the cosmetics industry knows how to promote the product to a new level. It has been established that the decisive tendency is the intensive development of enterprises in the beauty industry due to the growing demand for all types of beauty services. The priority directions for improving the activity of beauty enterprises have been substantiated, the main of which are quality management services; personnel management; controlling compliance with standards and certification requirements for the quality of services provided. Reviewed the procedure for compliance. The analysis of the institutional framework for obtaining permits for the activities of beauty enterprises. It was concluded that the features of the assessment of quality management services are in compliance with the quality of production / service and quality of service requirements of standards, as well as personnel management on the socio-psychological and economic aspects of the formation of service quality.

Key words:

quality management, personnel management, quality criteria, beauty industry, service sector, controlling the quality of services, certification of service quality, entrepreneurship.


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