(electronic scientific journal)

ISSN(online): 2522-1752



Berezinsky Igor , Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: ukrainian


The article deals with the segments of the financial market and their features by conducting their comparative analysis in the composition of the financial market of Ukraine, which is considered as a general concept, in the classification aspect, and in terms of the functioning of each segment in particular. The conducted studies allow us to create a complex model that takes into account the qualitative characteristics of each segment of the financial market. In the model, each segment of the financial market is considered as a separate sector. The role and functioning of the financial market is seen both in the context of interaction with the external environment, and at the national level. Formation and development of each segment is considered in terms of demand and supply. Segmentation of the financial market allows you to form financial assets. Depending on their classification and filling, financial market research has been conducted for a certain type. As a special and priority kind of financial market, the market of securities is defined. The analysis made it possible to establish that transactions in the financial market include both the direct sale and sale of financial assets and the conclusion of contracts that determine the right or obligation of the owner of such a contract to buy or sell a certain financial asset in the future. Therefore, the analysis of financial markets first of all is necessary to separate market instruments by origin on the base and derivatives. According to the results of the analysis, it is proposed to create an attractive model for financial market participants. It is proved that the definition of a possible type of regulation of the financial market of Ukraine should be carried out in accordance with consistent approaches: either by creating a megacontroller, which may include a newly created body or an authority that has the appropriate authority, or by using an integrated type of regulation, where powers are shared between the authorities, which regulate non-bank financial institutions, and the National Bank of Ukraine as a body for banking regulation and supervision, or the introduction of two separate bodies strolling.

Key words:

financial market; segment; sector; demand; offer; financial assets; security market


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